Texas National Meet Up
April 25th-29th Lake Possum Kingdom, Texas
We Arrived Wednesday around noon and others began to roll in all day and the next. We had over 75 KFWC family members attend the second annual KFWC national meet up this year. We were blessed with many fish caught during this event and even some first times and personal best fish caught.
The most amazing Blessing from this event was Saturday around noon a member came up with his friends and told us that he was getting baptized. To witness a man take that leap of faith and profess his Love for Jesus Christ was such a huge Blessing.
We were also blessed with meals together as a family, Live worship, and a time of testimony. Saturday night we were blessed to hear testimonies from our leadership team and then some of the members joined in and blessed everyone with their testimony.
Saturday night was filled with many blessings from breaking bread together, testimonies, and leaving our burdens at the Cross. Sunday morning we so blessed with a message and then 11 people stepped up and were baptized and or recommitted to Jesus Christ. Many friends were rejoined together, new friends were made, and above all a family bond was created that only God could make happen.
The 2018 National Meet Up was filled with so many blessings. Join us at our next National Meet Up and be part of the family.